About CAPB 2018


CAPB 2018 conference registration is now open!

From our roots in vitro to the future of plant biotechnology

The organizing committee of the 11th Canadian Plant Biotechnology Conference (CAPB 2018) invites you to join us in Saskatoon, on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River, May 15-17, 2018. All sessions will be held in Marquis Hall on the campus of the University of Saskatchewan, with an opening reception at Louis’ Loft in the Memorial Union Building. The theme of the meeting is “From our roots in vitro to the future of plant biotechnology” and we are inviting experts on a range of plant biotechnology topics, including the fields of in vitro biology, gene editing, synthetic biology, epigenetics and molecular farming to give keynote addresses. The conference presents a great opportunity for presentations by Canadian researchers and there will student awards to encourage participation by graduate students.
Registration and abstract submission are open now.

Check out the conference schedule >>>

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors

Invited Speakers:

Dr. Praveen Saxena
University of Guelph
Dr. Stuart Smyth
Assistant Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Neal Carter, P.Eng
President and founder
Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc.
Dr. Bing Yang
Associate Professor
Iowa State University
Dr. Robert Laprairie
GlaxoSmithKline Research Chair
University of Saskatchewan/AAFC
Dr. Michael D. McLean
Director of Research
PlantForm Corporation
Dr. Steve Robinson
Research Scientist
Dr. Erin Gilchrist
Senior Scientist
Anandia Laboratories
Dr. Jake Stout
Assistant professor
University of Manitoba

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to Canadian plant science & biotechnology development, and on behalf of the Executive Committee of Canadian Association for Plant Biotechnology (CAPB), Dr. Wilf Keller will be awarded “The Pioneering & Distinguished Canadian Plant Biotechnologist Award” at the conference banquet.


Registration – After April 11, 2018
Due to generous sponsorship, we are now able to offer a special rate of $50 for student registration and $225 for Post-Doctoral Member.

  • $400.00   Full Member
  • $225.00   Post-Doctoral Member
  • $50.00   Student
  • $450.00   Non-Member

Abstract Submission – deadline April 7, 2018 

Optional tour:
The organizers have arranged for a tour of the Canadian Light Source after lunch on May 17th. The Canadian Light Source is Canada’s national synchrotron light source facility, located on the grounds of the U of S. Registrants will be contacted by email to determine their interest so that we can inform the CLS on group size.

Organizing committee:
Patricia Polowick (NRC), Alison Ferrie (NRC), Pankaj Bhowmik (NRC), Kevin Rozwadowski (AAFC); Gina Feist (WGRF), Wendy Lyzenga (NRC), Shivappa Hukkeri (U of S), Parul Jain (NRC).

CAPB members get significant discounts on registration fees for the conference while receiving additional benefits such as travel bursaries and presentation prizes for students, membership in the International Association for Plant Biotechnology, and access to bi-annual newsletters and other communications. Therefore, please visit our website and take-up a membership at CAPB. A two year full membership will be $70 instead of $80 for two 1 year memberships, and a student/postdoc/emeritus two year membership will be $25 and will entitle you to discounts at both CAPB and Plant Canada meetings. Any two year membership taken up starting today will be valid until the end of December 2019.
Please feel free to share this message with your colleagues and anyone who may be interested in our association and in attending our conferences.